Relive the past of Parco/Sinclair through our memorabilia and artifacts.  

Museum open Saturdays April & May                                     
Museum open Tuesday - Saturday 8:30-5pm June-August

The First National Bank of Parco was open from 1924 until 1933. The interior was finished in American Walnut. Parco/Sinclair Museum now occupies this site. Sinclair's Lasting Legacy project was opened in August 1990. 

Among the historic display’s found within the museum, the original vault for The First National Bank of Parco, Wyoming, and the original teller partitions. Going through the museum, you’ll see a rifle display, military dressed mannequin’s and women mannequins dressed in vintage outfits. Upstairs, you will see The Parco Inn plates from the Inn; an 1876 Square Grand Piano with a print of a women playing the same piano; a reading corner with photos, and research books.  

There is plenty more to see, come explore the Museum.  

The museum is ADA compliant with an elevator available to the public who need help accessing the second floor. The museum is free to the public.